Congress Party’s Janagarjana Sabha, which is being conducted in Khammam, is not causing any disturbances, clarified Khammam Police Commissioner Vishnu S. Varrier. He stated that the news reports suggesting that there are traffic diversions and checkpoints for the vehicles going to the Sabha are false.
Social media has been circulating news stating that the police are creating obstacles for the vehicles heading to the Sabha. However, the Commissioner clarified that these reports are not true and that no traffic diversions or checkpoints have been set up for the event. He urged the public not to believe such false information and assured that there is no disruption or hindrance caused by the police.
The Commissioner expressed his disappointment with those who spread false propaganda and warned that appropriate action will be taken against them. He emphasized that it is important to refrain from spreading rumors and false news that can create panic and disrupt public peace.
The Janagarjana Sabha organized by the Congress Party aims to address various issues and concerns of the people. It is a platform for party leaders to engage with the public and understand their grievances. The Sabha is expected to attract a large number of attendees, and necessary arrangements have been made to ensure its smooth conduct.
The Congress Party has been conducting several such Sabhas across the state as part of its efforts to strengthen its presence and connect with the people. These public gatherings provide an opportunity for party leaders to interact with the public directly and address their concerns.
The police authorities have assured that adequate security measures have been put in place for the Sabha to ensure the safety of all participants. They have urged the public to cooperate with the authorities and follow instructions to maintain law and order during the event.
In conclusion, Khammam Police Commissioner Vishnu S. Varrier has refuted the news reports claiming disruptions at the Congress Party’s Janagarjana Sabha in Khammam. He clarified that there are no traffic diversions or checkpoints for the vehicles attending the event. The Commissioner urged the public not to believe false information and warned of action against those spreading rumors. The Sabha is expected to proceed smoothly, addressing various concerns of the people and strengthening the party’s connection with the public.