District Collector Dr Priyanka Ala visited Charla mandal on Wednesday to discuss the precautions that need to be taken in response to heavy rains. She reviewed the flood situation at Taliperu in Charla mandal and observed a flood surge at Taliperu High Level Bridge. The Collector asked S E Venkateswara Reddy from the Irrigation Department about the extent of the flood coming from the top of the Taliperu project. In response, she ordered the officials to alert the people living in Godavari catchment areas due to the heavy rains.
Afterwards, the Collector visited Subbampeta village in Charla mandal to inspect the lowland areas of Godavari. Additional Collector Karnati Venkateshwarlu, DPO Ramakanth, DRDO Madhusudan Raju, Charla Mandal officials, and others also participated in the visit.