Noel Rodriguez has been missing since March, and the police are searching for his stepfather, Arshdeep Singh, and his mother, Cindy Rodriguez-Singh, who may have fled to India. The search for Noel continues in Everman, Texas, one month after an Amber alert was issued.
Noel is one of Cindy’s ten children and has not been seen since last fall. Cindy and Arshdeep left for India with six of Cindy’s children on March 22. Arshdeep is wanted by the police for allegedly stealing $10,000 in cash from his workplace to fund their trip.
Cindy did not care for Noel’s wellbeing, claiming he was “possessed by a demon” and wanted to harm her newborn twin daughters. However, a foster parent who took Noel in said he was a caring, lovable child.
Noel was reported missing shortly after Cindy gave birth to her twin daughters. Reports suggest that Cindy did not feed or give him anything to drink because she did not want to change his diapers and abused him.
Arshdeep worked at AGHA Enterprises and is being accused of stealing money from the business before fleeing the US. He faces charges of endangerment or abandonment of a child, along with Cindy. Police are presuming that Noel is dead and have searched over 500 acres to find evidence leading to his body.
Cindy has ten children in total, and three live with her mother. She lost custody of some of her children and was put on probation after an incident in which she was drunk and driving a vehicle with her children inside. The FBI is working with authorities in India to extradite Arshdeep and Cindy back to the US.