BRS Parliamentary Party leader K Keshava Rao and MPs KR Suresh Reddy and Venkatesh Neta have recently spoken out against the Prime Minister’s comments that there has been no development in Telangana. The trio refuted these claims, stating that Telangana is actually at the forefront of every sector and that the Prime Minister is using his official programme for party propaganda.
Keshava Rao went on to accuse the Prime Minister of creating a BRS versus BJP narrative by talking about a political family. The MPs also claimed that the Prime Minister consistently spews venom on Telangana every time he visits Hyderabad, with his criticism directed at CM KCR and his family as well as the State government.
Despite these criticisms, the MPs highlighted Telangana’s many achievements, including leading in per capita income and power, setting up a medical college on their own, and completing the Kaleshwaram project without any aid from the Centre. They also accused the Centre of not giving Telangana their rightful share of toll taxes on national highways.
Overall, Keshava Rao, Reddy, and Neta were adamant that Telangana is a state that has seen significant progress and development in recent years, and that the Prime Minister’s comments were unfounded and politically motivated.