Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankar is visiting Kerala for two days with his wife, Dr. Sudesh Dhankar. They will be visiting the Sree Padmabha Swamy temple and staying at the Raj Bhavan. On Sunday night, Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan will host a dinner for the Vice-President, with several VIPs attending.
On Monday morning, the Vice-President will have breakfast with Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan at his official residence called ‘Cliff House’. The Governor of Kerala will also be present.
The Vice-President will then inaugurate the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Kerala Legislative assembly building at Thiruvananthapuram and release a souvenir for the Kerala Legislative International Book Festival- 2023. The new Kerala Legislative Assembly building was opened on May 22, 1998, by the then President K.R. Narayanan.
Later, Dhankar will visit the Ezhimala Naval Academy in Kannur and interact with the cadets. This is the first time a Vice-President has visited the Ezhimala Naval Academy. He will also visit his former teacher Rathna Nair at her residence in Champad, Panoor near Thalassery in Kannur district before returning to New Delhi in the evening from Kannur airport.