The leader of Aam Aadmi Party in Gujarat, Gopal Italia, was detained by the Surat Crime Branch. This happened after he allegedly spoke ill about Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Shanghvi. However, he was later released on bail.
Arvind Kejriwal, the national convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party and Delhi’s Chief Minister, took to Twitter to say that the BJP was angry about their success in Gujarat and had detained Italia. According to Kejriwal, the BJP is only focused on destroying the Aam Aadmi Party and they will put everyone in jail one by one.
Italia, on the other hand, tweeted that since the Aam Aadmi Party showed its strength in Gujarat, all BJP people have been scared. He added that the dishonest BJP guys aim to ruin their party in any manner but they, as Arvind Kejriwal’s honest troops, will keep fighting until they win.
In the most recent election in Gujarat, the Aam Aadmi Party demonstrated its dominance. This is significant because Gujarat is considered a BJP stronghold. The BJP is now terrified of the Aam Aadmi Party’s growing power and has resorted to violence.
Italia said that the BJP would never have thought that a small party like theirs would come to Gujarat and win 40 lakh votes. He added that they will continue to fight like Arvind Kejriwal’s soldiers and will not be frightened of jail or prosecution.