Telangana Chief Minister KCR will inaugurate the plantation of one crore saplings program in Manchirevu, Moinabad Mandal, Rangareddy District. The program will take place at Forestrek Park, where the CM will initiate the sapling planting. The park will also be officially opened during the same event.
To ensure smooth traffic flow, Cyberabad Joint CP (Traffic) Narayan Nayak has announced traffic restrictions in the Narsinghi area from 6 am to 2 pm on Saturday. Motorists are advised to take alternative routes and cooperate with the traffic police.
The government has made extensive arrangements across the state for the sapling planting program, which is planned to be conducted like a festival with participation from people of all walks of life.
Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy, Chevella MLA Yadayah, Chief Minister’s Secretary Bhupal Reddy, OSD Priyanka Varghese, PCCF RM Dobrial, and Forest Development Organisation MD Chandrasekhar Reddy inspected the arrangements for the event on Friday.