Former MLA and Congress leader Malreddy Ranga Reddy accused BJP leaders, led by State BJP president G. Kishan Reddy, of staging a drama during their inspection of double bedroom houses in Batasingaram. Ranga Reddy claimed that the BJP leaders pretended to be arrested by the police while heading towards Batasingaram village. He mentioned that they had previously visited the area multiple times to inspect the construction of these houses and were never stopped by anyone, including the police. Ranga Reddy believed that Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) was allowing such dramas to revive the BJP’s declining popularity in the state. He expressed his hope that the people would not fall for these acts by the ruling BRS and the BJP, and confidently stated that the Congress party’s influence was growing and that they would form the next government after the upcoming assembly elections.
KCR’s attempt to revive BJP through the arrest of leaders
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