The state Assembly in Hyderabad had a brief session that ended on Sunday with Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao giving a long speech. He announced that the government would form a pay revision commission and provide interim relief to government employees. The Chief Minister also mentioned the possibility of bringing back the old pension scheme. He claimed that Telangana employees have the highest salaries in the country and that the PRC would be appointed soon. However, he pointed out that the Congress party failed to fulfill their promise of reinstating the old pension scheme in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh.
KCR also addressed the issue of the pension fund, stating that it is undecided how to use it as it is linked with the Centre. He took a dig at the Congress, saying they are daydreaming of coming to power in Telangana, but he believes his party, BRS, will remain in power with more seats than before. He assured that the friendship between BRS and AIMIM will continue.
The Chief Minister explained why he believes the Congress won’t come to power, stating that they have no issues to address. He also warned that if the Congress does come to power, schemes like Rythu Bandhu and Dalit Bandhu will not be implemented. He questioned their intention to scrap Dharani.
KCR shared statistics about the power sector, mentioning that a 4,000 MW ultra-mega power project at Damaracherla will be commissioned in about four months.
He criticized the BJP, particularly Prime Minister Modi, for continuously criticizing Telangana. He found it amusing that Union ministers are even inaugurating lifts at railway stations.
In response to Opposition criticism of Kaleshwaram, the Chief Minister defended the project, stating that it is necessary to provide water for other projects like Mallannasagar and Kondapochamma Sagar.
KCR announced that Singareni workers will receive Rs 1,000 crore as a bonus this Dasara. He attributed this increase in revenue to the state and predicted that Telangana will soon surpass Mumbai.