Chief Minister KCR released the BRS election manifesto at Pragathi Bhavan. He mentioned that several schemes were implemented in the previous two elections that were not mentioned in the manifesto. One of these schemes is the Rythu Bandhu scheme. KCR emphasized that the BRS government is committed to the welfare and empowerment of minorities. He assured that opportunities will be provided to minorities in various sectors, including upgrading minority junior colleges to degree colleges.
KCR also announced a new scheme called Telangana Annapurna scheme, which aims to eradicate hunger in the state. Under this scheme, every family holding a ration card will receive fully-prepared rice from April and May onwards. KCR also decided to provide insurance coverage to 93 lakh white card holders through the KCR Bima-Dhima scheme. The insurance scheme will be implemented through LIC and the estimated cost ranges from Rs. 3600 to Rs. 4000 per family.
CM KCR highlighted that the TRS government was the first and only government to implement the pension scheme on a large scale. The pension amount has gradually increased over the years and will further increase to Rs. 5,000 in a phased manner. The government has also increased the disability pension and plans to raise it to Rs. 6,000 in a phased manner. Additionally, eligible women will receive gas cylinders for Rs. 400 under the Saubhagyalakshmi scheme.
In the manifesto, the Rythu Bandu scheme was enhanced to Rs. 16,000 and the Aarogyasri limit was raised to Rs. 15 lakh. The government also announced plans to build more double bedroom houses for the poor in Hyderabad and establish 119 Gurukulas for the poor from upper caste.