Telangana Chief Minister KCR is going to participate in an election campaign meeting in Munugodu, Nalgonda district. The meeting, called Praja Ashirwada Sabha, will be held in an agricultural land near the local MPDO office. The event will start after 3 pm and arrangements have been made for it. BRS party leaders have arranged transportation for 500 people from each of the 176 villages in the constituency to attend the meeting.
In a previous public meeting in Bangarigadda of Chandur Mandal on October 30, 2022, CM KCR promised to address the issues faced by the people and fulfill their demands. BRS candidate Koosukuntla Prabhakar Reddy won that election. Some demands, such as roads, the establishment of Chandur Revenue Division, and a 100-bed hospital, have been fulfilled. The construction of Chautauqua Hospital is progressing quickly.
CC roads are also being constructed in the villages at a cost of Rs. 500 crores. However, there are ongoing legal disputes regarding Krishna waters, which have affected irrigation in the area. The pending reservoir works are also contributing to this problem. Considering these circumstances, Koosukuntla Prabhakar Reddy will be contesting again from Munugodu. The constituents are seeking the establishment of a 30-bed hospital, an inter and degree college in Munugodu, and the conversion of the mandal center into a municipality. It will be interesting to see what assurances CM KCR provides during the meeting. KCR will also address public meetings in Achampet and Vanaparthy.