Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao spoke at a gathering in Korutla, where he highlighted the achievements of the BRS party in the state. He mentioned that Telangana is the only state in India that provides 24-hour electricity to all sectors, including industries and agriculture. The CM also stated that there are no officials pressurizing farmers about electricity bills and no system for collecting taxes from them. These improvements are credited to the policies of the BRS government.
CM KCR emphasized the importance of stabilizing agriculture and improving villages. He mentioned that burdensome taxes on water and electricity have been canceled by the government. The CM also talked about farmer insurance, the government buying grain, and the direct crediting of Rythu Bandhu (a government scheme) to farmers’ accounts, which has helped them settle their debts. He assured farmers that loans up to one lakh rupees have been waived, and loans above one lakh will be waived after the elections.
The chief minister also addressed the Dharani portal and criticized Congress and Rahul Gandhi for wanting to abolish it. He also mentioned Dr. Sanjay, who had helped him during a hunger strike.
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KCR speaks at Korutla, acknowledges Dr Sanjay’s support during hunger strike
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