BRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao is planning to visit Delhi in about a week. This will be his first trip to the national capital since his party lost in the recent Assembly polls. Even though there hasn’t been an official announcement yet, sources from the party suggest that he is considering the visit and details about the schedule and purpose will be shared soon.
There have been rumors in political circles about the possibility of BRS getting closer to the BJP. However, state BJP president G Kishan Reddy dismissed these rumors and advised the media not to believe them. He stated that the BJP will be contesting all 17 Lok Sabha seats in the state on its own. This statement by Kishan Reddy comes after the national executive meeting of the BJP which took place in Delhi.
Former state president of BJP, Bandi Sanjay, also rejected any chance of an alliance with BRS. He mentioned that KCR might be playing mind games due to fear of defeat in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, as many members of BRS are expected to join BJP soon. Sanjay added that KCR’s intention might be to cause confusion among party members and maintain their unity.
KCR’s previous visit to Delhi was to inaugurate the newly constructed BRS party office in New Delhi.