Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhara Rao has announced that waste lands in Mulugu Constituency will be given to non-tribals as well. He made this announcement at the BRS Praja Ashirwada Sabha and urged people to support Nagajyoti as an MLA. The Chief Minister expressed his gratitude towards the land which holds significance for the Sammakka Sarakka festival. He mentioned that the fair was not popular in the past but has been successfully managed with an annual expenditure of Rs.80-100 crores since the formation of Telangana. However, further development is needed, including improving the roads leading to the fair.
The lack of three-phase electricity in tribal areas and the issue of waste lands in Mulugu constituency were also addressed by the Chief Minister. He stated that 48,161 acres of waste lands have been distributed and the related cases have been dismissed. Additionally, he assured that after the elections, the lands of non-tribal farmers will also be taken care of. The Chief Minister emphasized the importance of keeping promises and fulfilling the wishes of the people.
The progress made in Mulugu was highlighted by the Chief Minister, including the establishment of a medical college, a 400-bed hospital, nursing college, and paramedical courses. He also mentioned the setting up of a dialysis center in Eturunagaram after being informed about the lack of such a facility during the floods. The Chief Minister urged the people to continue striving for the improvement and development of Mulugu district and Telangana as a whole.