The Chief Minister of Hyderabad, K Chandrashekar Rao, wants to build two towers to house all government department heads in one place. The towers will be located near the new Dr BR Ambedkar State Secretariat building. Each floor of the towers will be dedicated to one department, and they are expected to have 15 to 20 floors. The CM instructed officials to identify suitable government land near the Secretariat for the construction of the HoD towers. A report on the number of full-time staff working in each department will be prepared, and construction will begin once a location is finalised.
During a meeting to review the upcoming 21-day decennial celebrations of Telangana State formation day, the CM also instructed officials to install a Telangana Talli statue with water fountains and attractive features in front of the Martyrs Memorial on Secretariat road. He also asked for elaborate arrangements for the grand celebration of the 10th State formation day and urged engineers to enhance the beauty of the memorial during the celebrations.
The CM also instructed officials to finalise the procedures for the launch of Rs 1 lakh financial assistance scheme for communities engaged in traditional occupations such as Rajaka, Nai Brahmin, Pusala, Budagajangala, and others. The BC Welfare Minister, Gangula Kamalakar, informed the CM that the government has already announced phased financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh for these communities. The CM urged the minister to expedite the finalisation of procedures and launch the scheme on Welfare Day.