Koppula Harishwar Reddy, a former MLA and Deputy Speaker of Andhra Pradesh, passed away from a heart attack on Friday night. The Chief Minister, KCR, has decided to conduct his last rites with state honors. The Chief Minister has directed the Chief Secretary to make arrangements and speak with the family members for related measures.
Koppula Harishwar Reddy, a senior BRS leader and former minister, died from a heart attack on Friday night. He lived in Parigi and was immediately taken to the government hospital in the town after suffering the heart attack at 10.10 pm. Unfortunately, he passed away during treatment.
Harishwar Reddy had been elected as the Parigi MLA multiple times in the past. He started his political career as a ward member and later served as sub-sarpanch, sarpanch, and vice-chairman of the Samiti in Parigi. He also worked as Deputy Speaker in the joint Andhra Pradesh Assembly. The last rites of Harishwar Reddy will take place in Parigi on Saturday at 3 pm. He is survived by his wife, two sons, and a daughter. His eldest son, Mahesh Reddy, is currently serving as the Parigi MLA.