Hyderabad: BRS Chief K Chandrashekar Rao announced that KasaniGnaneshwar has joined the party, making them have a bigger leader than Eatala Rajender. KCR also promised to give nominated posts to community leaders. KasaniGnaneshwar Mudiraj, the former Telangana Telugu Desam Chief, officially joined the BRS party at KCR’s farmhouse in Eravelli.
KCR expressed his belief that Gnaneshwar should have joined BRS earlier, as Eatala Rajender prevented Mudiraj leaders from growing in the party. He emphasized that out of the 119 seats, only 112 seats will be considered, and winning the election is crucial once candidates are announced. KCR plans to have detailed discussions with Mudiraj leaders after the elections.
During NTR’s time, BCs had reservations in local bodies. The party decided to continue with Chinta Prabhakar, who narrowly lost in Sangareddy. KCR mentioned that the Mudiraj community will have many opportunities in the future and urged for the creation of leaders in each district who can become Rajya Sabha members and MLCs.
KCR also acknowledged Gnaneshwar’s influence and predicted that his position will grow. He highlighted various posts, such as Zilla Parishad Chairman and Hyderabad Mayor, that are available.
KCR identifies Kasani as a prominent Mudiraj leader surpassing Eatala
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