Warangal’s significance in the Telangana movement was emphasized by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao during a public meeting. He acknowledged Warangal as a witness to Telangana’s history and paid his respects to the land. The state government has shown its respect to Warangal by including the Kakatiya art tower in the state seal and naming the pond repair program as Mission Kakatiya, in honor of the Kakatiya kings. Kaloji and Prof. Jayashankar had blessed Rao at the beginning of the movement. Rao urged people to vote thoughtfully in the upcoming assembly elections, as their votes will shape the future of Telangana and Warangal constituencies for the next five years. He also criticized Congress leaders for claiming that it is Indiramma’s kingdom, highlighting the poor conditions and violence that occurred during her time in power.
KCR highlights Warangal’s significant role in Telangana’s struggle
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