The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrashekar Rao, stated that his government has rejected the Centre’s conditions to install motors on electricity meters. He also mentioned that even the state of Prime Minister Narendra Modi does not have 24-hour power supply. Speaking at a public meeting in Sircilla, Rao said that the Prime Minister threatened to withhold Rs 30,000 crore from the state if they did not comply with the meter installation orders. However, Telangana refused to install the meters and told the Prime Minister to keep the money. Rao emphasized that Telangana is the only state in the country that provides 24-hour free power supply.
Rao also addressed comments made by the TPCC Chief regarding three-hour power supply. He questioned whether three hours of power is enough or if there should be 24-hour power supply. The BRS chief stated that the people are in favor of having 24-hour power supply.
Rao praised KT Rama Rao, who is both the MLA and the textile minister, for his efforts in improving the lives of weavers in Sircilla. He assured the people that he would take steps to continue development work in the constituency.
The Chief Minister criticized those who burned the Bathukamma saris, which were meant to support the weavers. He questioned why they took the saris in the first place.
Rao also spoke about the party’s manifesto and stated that they did not make false promises. He mentioned how schemes like Kalyanalaskhmi and pensions have been increased over time based on the state’s revenues.