KCR Telangana was born on 17th February 1954 at 10.30 am in Karimnagar. His birth star is Ashlesha 4th charan, with an ascendant in Aries and a moon sign in Cancer. His lagna lord is in Scorpio, making his leadership strong and leading him to make quick decisions. KCR is known for his outspoken nature and strong leadership qualities.
In his birth chart, three planets – mercury, sun, and Venus – are in the 11th house, making him a skilled orator. The second house is occupied by Jupiter, the 3rd house by Ketu, and the 4th house by the moon. The 10th and 11th lord Saturn is in an exalted position, creating the Shashi Maha Purusha yoga and ensuring his continued leadership with mass appeal.
Between 04.09.2006 to 04.09.2024, KCR was running a Rahu major period, with Rahu in the 9th house leading to him becoming the Chief Minister of Telangana twice during this time. From 16.08.2023 to 04.09.2024, he will run the Rahu major period with a Mars sub period, facing disappointments, health issues, differences with party leaders, allegations, and court cases.
Starting from 03.09.2024 until 03.09.2040, KCR will run a Jupiter major period, with Jupiter occupying the 2nd house. Between 03.09.2024 to 21.10.2026, he will run a Jupiter major period by a Jupiter sub period, slowly recovering and maintaining good health while experiencing positive events for his party.
From his moon sign, KCR will run Ashtama Shani from 18th January 2023 to 28th March 2025, potentially leading to health problems and unexpected incidents during this time.