BRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao gave a pep talk at a party meeting, but it didn’t have much impact. The party wanted the MP from Chevella to run for re-election, but he wasn’t interested. If he doesn’t run, the party will ask him to support their chosen candidate.
The BRS will start its election campaign in Karimnagar on March 12, a tradition they’ve followed since the party’s founding. B Vinod Kumar and Koppula Eshwar are likely to be announced as candidates for the Karimnagar and Peddapally Lok Sabha seats on Monday.
KCR expressed regret for not changing the incumbent MLAs to improve the party’s chances of winning. He suggested focusing on bus tours and local meetings instead of large public rallies. The party is considering giving tickets to new, younger leaders.
KCR noted that the Congress, which had criticized the BRS in the past, was now following their lead on certain issues. Some former BRS members may join other parties soon, including one MLA likely joining the BJP and some corporators in Warangal considering a move to the Congress.