Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao praised the employees for their contribution to the development process. He emphasized that there is still more to be done in the future. The Chief Minister made these remarks while inaugurating the Integrated District Collectors Complex in Suryapet District. He mentioned that Suryapet becoming a district itself is a historic achievement, and this is the 23rd integrated district collector office. Chandrashekar Rao expressed his satisfaction with Telangana being the top state in terms of per capita income and per capita power consumption in India. He attributed this success to the district Ministers, MLAs, and government staff.
The Chief Minister urged everyone to continue striving for excellence and not become complacent. He acknowledged that although they have achieved a lot, there are still economic disparities that need to be addressed. Chandrashekar Rao assured that they will work towards overcoming these differences.
Chandrashekar Rao also highlighted the positive aspects of Telangana’s development. He stated that there are no cases of starvation deaths or suicides in the state, and people from all sections are living happily. Additionally, Telangana has been recognized as a zero fluorosis state by the Central government, thanks to the efforts of the Mission Bhagiratha staff.
Overall, the Chief Minister commended the employees for their dedication and emphasized the need to continue striving for excellence in order to further improve the state’s development.