Nizamabad: BRS president and Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao accused the Congress of using Muslims only for votes during an election rally in Nizamabad. He indirectly referred to Rahul Gandhi’s ‘mohabbat ki dukan’ comments and questioned who was responsible for the demolition of Babri Masjid. Rao emphasized the importance of reflecting one’s secularism through their work and criticized the Congress for using Muslims as a vote bank.
Rao stated that the BRS treats everyone equally regardless of religion or community. He claimed that the Congress continues to engage in political theatrics and questioned who was responsible for the demolition of Babri Masjid. Rao emphasized the need for consistency in secularism throughout one’s life and work.
Rao highlighted the difference in spending on minority welfare between the Congress regime and the BRS government. He stated that during the Congress regime, only Rs 2,000 crore was spent on minority welfare in ten years, while the BRS government has spent Rs 12,000 crore since 2014. Rao also claimed that there have been no communal riots during the BRS regime, unlike during the Congress government.
Rao assured that Telangana will remain secular as long as he is alive and emphasized the importance of unity between Hindus and Muslims. He accused the BJP of promoting communal divisions among people. Rao also criticized both the Congress and BJP for not sincerely working for Telangana’s interests.
Rao predicted the formation of a coalition government in the country after 2024 and stated that if the BRS wins all Lok Sabha seats in Telangana, they can have influence in Delhi. Currently, Telangana has 17 Lok Sabha seats.