Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has stated that Telangana has experienced significant growth in all areas, surpassing many larger states in the country. He emphasized that the efforts of his government have made Telangana a trailblazer and gained recognition nationwide. The Chief Minister made these remarks during the Telangana Integration Day celebrations in Hyderabad.
During his speech, KCR warned those who may try to hinder Telangana’s development, stating that they would face serious consequences. He highlighted the importance of unity and encouraged everyone to strive for a prosperous Telangana. He also mentioned that other states are looking to emulate Telangana’s development model.
The Chief Minister then listed various welfare and development programs implemented by the Telangana government. He specifically mentioned the Palamuru Rangareddy Lift scheme, which aims to permanently address the issues faced by farmers. Additionally, he shared that the government has already started distributing one lakh 2 Bed Room houses in Greater Hyderabad.
KCR also highlighted the increase in the Aasara pension amount, providing relief to the poor by reducing the age limit to 57 years. Special schemes have been introduced to support the social and economic development of underprivileged communities in society.