Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, leader of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), spoke about the importance of transforming India and making significant changes to the governance and administrative system. He welcomed retired soldiers who had dedicated their lives to protecting the country’s borders to join the BRS platform, along with the farmers. This alliance represented the unity of both the soldiers and farmers. Leaders from Ex-Military Associations and ex-servicemen from all districts of Maharashtra joined the BRS party in a special event where they were greeted by Chandrashekar Rao.
During the event, Rao emphasized the need for a qualitative change through a transformed India. He called for a complete overhaul of the traditional governance and administrative systems to ensure welfare, development, and upliftment for all sections of society. Rao highlighted the significance of soldiers coming forward to establish a government focused on farmers, as it symbolized a major change in national politics.
The Chief Minister welcomed army officers from different districts of Maharashtra and informed them about the development and welfare schemes implemented in Telangana State. He urged the ex-servicemen to continue their duty as heroic soldiers and work towards bringing about a positive change in the lives of the people in Maharashtra.
It is worth noting that Bapurao Pagare, a respected ex-servicemen and secretary of the ‘Fauji Janata Party’ from Nashik district, joined the BRS. Many ex-servicemen, including ex-colonels, ex-lieutenants, and soldiers who served in various ranks in the Indian Army, also joined the BRS party.