On Wednesday, Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao launched the ‘Nutrition Kits’ programme and called upon the health department to plan for future eventualities and have a public relations system to spread awareness of their good work. During the event, the CM gave away the kits to six women and informed the audience that the health department’s budget had increased from Rs 2,100 crore in 2014 to Rs 12,367 crore. He emphasized that the health department was the most important department and said that the government is taking steps to increase bed strength to 50,000.
The CM recalled a conversation with officials from the Central government who suggested measures during the locust attack. They informed him that wherever the health system is strong, the loss will be minimum. Since then, he decided to strengthen the department. He also spoke about the problem of stunting, which stops growth in human beings, and asked doctors to plan for future steps. He emphasized the importance of public relations for the health department and criticized doctors who refused to work in forest areas.
The CM further stated that KCR Kits have increased institutional deliveries and said that the government is making arrangements to tackle any situation like COVID. Hyderabad is going to become a Health Hub, with Basti Dawakhanas providing treatment for people in bastis and 102 dialysis centers set up with a single-use filter. The government is also bringing up one medical college per district in all 33 districts.
The Nutrition Kits program is going to be a blessing in disguise for women with iron deficiency. The CM emphasized that Telangana is a role model for the country and that NIMS is going to be the largest hospital in the country with a total of 4000 beds. The facilities have improved in government hospitals, and organ transplants are done free for poor people. Over 120 heart surgeries are done every month.