The Rouse Avenue Court in New Delhi has asked the CBI to respond by next Thursday to a petition for ‘default bail’ filed by BRS MLC K Kavitha. Kavitha claims there are errors in the chargesheet filed by the CBI.
Kavitha sought ‘default’ bail in the Delhi Liquor Policy case and the court asked the CBI to file a counter on her bail application. The agency had submitted an “incomplete chargesheet” within the required 60-day timeframe. The court has also reserved orders regarding the third chargesheet filed by the CBI, with further consideration of the bail application set for July 12 and a decision on cognizance scheduled for July 15.
Kavitha, who has been in judicial custody at Tihar Jail since her arrest on March 15, faced a supplementary chargesheet from the CBI last month. The charges relate to an alleged excise scam where kickbacks were reportedly paid to influence the excise policy in favor of a liquor lobby.
In her bail plea, Kavitha argues that the chargesheet is incomplete, granting her the right to default bail under the Criminal Procedure Code. She claims that the CBI’s actions are aimed at preventing her release on default bail, in violation of legal provisions.
The bail plea highlights concerns about the investigative tactics employed by the CBI and stresses the importance of ensuring justice for Kavitha.