BRS MLC K Kavitha declined to attend questioning by the CBI, asking the agency to withdraw the notices under Section 41A of CrPC. She mentioned being busy campaigning for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections for the next six weeks.
In a letter to the CBI, Kavitha requested the notice be put on hold due to her commitments and the need to be present in the State during the elections. She mentioned a series of meetings scheduled over the next six weeks, making it difficult for her to appear in person on February 26. Kavitha offered to participate in the inquiry through virtual means.
The BRS leader expressed disappointment that the agency chose to send a notice under Section 41A of CrPC, citing a previous notice issued over a year ago. Kavitha stated that she has no role in the accusations and that her assistance is no longer needed as the case is in court.
She referred to a previous statement made by the ASG during a different case, indicating that she may not be summoned until a hearing. Kavitha requested details and timings in advance if the CBI needs her to respond to any queries or provide information through a virtual platform.