Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) working president and MLC Mahesh Kumar Goud criticized BRS MLC Kavitha for threatening to protest if Priyanka Gandhi is invited to the launch of the ruling party’s Rs 500 gas cylinder scheme. Goud said that Kavitha has no right to speak about Priyanka Gandhi, as her family has made sacrifices for the country. He also stated that the Congress party will fulfill its promises made during the recent Assembly elections and urged the people not to pay attention to the cheap remarks made by KCR family members against the State government. Goud alleged that KCR family members misused public money by using helicopters and private jets for personal tours, while Chief Minister Revanth Reddy follows protocol norms when using a chopper. He expressed confidence that the Congress party will win 17 seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
Kavitha criticized for her ‘negative remarks’ about Priyanka Gandhi, says Congress
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