BRS MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha responded to corruption allegations made against her by Nizamabad MP Dharmapuri Arvind. She challenged him to prove these allegations and accused him of taking credit for her work as an MP in Nizamabad. Kavitha highlighted that she was responsible for bringing two central universities and the Spice Board to the region. She also criticized Arvind for involving her husband in politics, stating that while she and her father were involved in politics, it was unfair to drag her husband into it.
In other news, the Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge (TASK) organized a Mega Job Mela in Nizamabad. Kavitha attended the opening ceremony of this event at the Bhoomareddy function hall, which aimed to recruit individuals for jobs in the newly constructed IT hub by the government.
During the inauguration, Kavitha praised the IT hub in Nizamabad and emphasized its significance in providing employment opportunities at the rural level. She stated that the IT hub not only offers jobs but also fosters job creation. Kavitha added that the second phase of the IT hub will soon be initiated to cater to the growing demand from youth who want to utilize the space provided.