K Kavitha, the daughter of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, made comments about Sonia Gandhi’s Italian origin, comparing her to the Queen of Italy. Kavitha accused Sonia Gandhi of causing the deaths of many young people by delaying the creation of a separate Telangana State in 2009. She also claimed that the Congress party did not work in the best interest of Telangana State.
Kavitha mentioned that the UPA government, led by Congress, did not easily grant the creation of Telangana State. It was only after the strong efforts of the BRS (then TRS) party, led by K Chandrashekar Rao, that the Union government agreed to it. She criticized both Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi for not raising or supporting Telangana issues in Parliament.
Kavitha found it ridiculous that Rahul Gandhi accused Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao of being against the BC census. She pointed out that the BRS party is the only party to pass a resolution in the Assembly and write letters to PM Modi demanding the BC census.