Bandi Sanjay Kumar, former president of BJP Telangana and MP, has criticized MLC Kavitha for her stance on women’s reservation. While Kavitha protested in Delhi, Sanjay expressed his dissatisfaction with her. He stated that if Kavitha receives a ticket in Telangana, it would be equivalent to granting 33% of the tickets to women in the state. Sanjay indirectly accused Kavitha of not being sincere about the women’s bill.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Telangana has already released a list of candidates for the upcoming Telangana Assembly elections. Sanjay clarified that the list was intended to protect the party cadre and included 115 names. However, he mentioned that according to several surveys, the BJP is projected to secure only 25 seats in the elections. Sanjay also criticized Chief Minister KCR for his efforts to safeguard the party cadre and leaders, stating that many BRS leaders are willing to join the BJP.