A case has been registered against Kasani Gnaneshwar, who recently resigned from the post of Telangana TDP president. TDP coordinator Dr AS Rao of Gudimalkapur filed a complaint against him with the Banjara Hills police. Dr. Rao alleged that on October 29th, when he went to the office after receiving a call to attend meetings, he was attacked by Gnyaneshwar and others, resulting in an injury to his right eye.
In response, a case has also been registered against Dr. AS Rao at Banjara Hills Police Station. Prashant Yadav, in-charge of Goshamahal, stated in his complaint that Dr. Rao behaved rudely when he visited the party office on October 29th. Yadav mentioned that Dr. Rao had been previously suspended from the party. The police are currently investigating both complaints.