Former MP Boinapally Vinod Kumar spoke at a press conference in Karimnagar on Wednesday. He criticized the Congress government for focusing only on debts in the BRS government and not acknowledging the assets created during its rule. Vinod Kumar highlighted that under the previous Chief Minister KCR’s determination, Telangana lands transformed from dry soils and fallow lands to fertile green crop fields.
During the BRS government’s tenure, they allocated Rs 45,000 crore for tank maintenance through Mission Kakatiya. They also spent Rs 48,000 crore on Aasara pensions, providing financial assistance to the citizens, which was unprecedented in the country. Another notable achievement was providing tap water to every household through Mission Bhagiratha, which cost Rs 48,000 crore. The BRS government directly deposited Rs 72,000 crore in farmers’ accounts at a rate of Rs 5,000 per acre to support them financially.
Previously, there were frequent power shortages, and industries had declared power holidays. However, under Chief Minister KCR’s leadership, 24-hour power supply was ensured. The KCR government was the first to provide 24-hour free electricity to agriculture.
Significant infrastructure projects like Kaleshwaram and Palamuru were completed during the Congress government’s tenure. They also increased the power generating capacity from 7,000 MW to 25,000 MW before 2014.