The Kanti Velugu program in Telangana has screened over 1.08 crore people for eye problems. This includes 51,16,106 males, 57,72,850 females and 4075 transgenders. The program aims to make Telangana blindness-free. So far, 17 lakh people have received free spectacles and medicines for their eye problems. The program has helped poor middle class families save thousands of rupees.
Out of the people screened, 13,11,858 people were identified for prescription glasses, while 78,67,170 people had no eye problems. The Kanti Velugu Scheme was implemented by the government with the aim of health for all. The program ran for 100 days from January 19 to June 15. District collectors, medical and health officials and officials of various departments planned and implemented the camps in advance to make the program successful in the district.
The program is being vigorously implemented throughout the state with advance plans, continuous monitoring, daily reviews, analysis, video conference and meetings. The figures recorded in the camps show that many people were troubled by not being able to see close images. People over the age of 40 visiting camps with nearsightedness were provided with reading glasses immediately. Vitamin A, D and B complex tablets were also being distributed to many people who came with eye problems.