K T Rama Rao, Minister for IT, praised Puvvada Ajay, Minister for Transport, for his efforts in developing Khammam into a model city. KTR urged the public to support BRS in the upcoming elections to secure Chandrashekhar Rao’s third term as Chief Minister and ensure Ajay Kumar’s victory as an MLA.
At the ‘Pragathi Nivedana Sabha,’ KTR highlighted Khammam’s remarkable growth in the past nine years. An investment of Rs 2,300 crore allowed for 50,000 new tap connections to households.
KTR called on Ajay Kumar and district Collector VP Gautham to strategize ways to provide uninterrupted drinking water to homes in KMC round the clock.
He proudly stated that the road network in Khammam has expanded from 400km to 1,115km under the visionary leadership of the Chief Minister. Khammam now has a Government Medical College and an approved JNTU Engineering College.
KTR criticized the Congress party, comparing it to a sinking ship. He pointed out their impractical guarantee cards and emphasized that their promises were never fulfilled during their six decades of rule.
He expressed concern about Congress attempting to influence voters with money and urged the people to support BRS in the upcoming elections using wisdom.