The IT and MA&UD Minister K T Rama Rao criticized the BJP State president Bandi Sanjay for causing chaos among students by leaking SSC exam questions. He spoke to a large crowd in Kazipet and challenged the BJP-led Centre to compete with Telangana’s development works.
The BRS Government spent Rs 640 crore on Mission Bhagiratha to provide drinking water for Greater Warangal. The upcoming multi-super-specialty hospital will cost Rs 1,116 crore and make Warangal a health hub. KTR said the Kaloji Kalakshetram will cost Rs 85 crore and be ready by September. The State allocated Rs 140 crore for two road over bridges (ROBs) at Fathima Nagar and Dargah, and Rs 70 crore for nalahs (drains) development.
KTR wants to make Warangal an IT Hub and said four IT companies, including Genpact and L&T Infotech-Mindtree, will open centers in the Madikonda IT SEZ, likely providing nearly 2,000 jobs. Tech Mahindra, Cyient, and Quadrant Resource are already in Warangal, and the government hopes to attract more companies.
KTR acknowledged the impact of COVID-19 on the economy but promised that the state is trying its best to speed up progress. He criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for failing to fulfill his election promise of depositing Rs 15 lakh into Jan-Dhan accounts by bringing back black money from foreign banks.