Justice A Abhishek Reddy bid farewell to the Telangana High Court on Friday. He was transferred to the Patna HC. The customary farewell was held at the first court hall. Chief Justice Ujjal Bhuyan and other judges, Advocate-General BS Prasad, Registrar-General Srujana, senior advocates were present.
The CJ praised Justice Reddy’s contribution to the court. A-G Prasad listed the significant judgments made by the judge in both the division bench and single bench. He praised Justice Reddy for delivering justice fairly and with utmost sincerity and honesty.
Justice Reddy stated that it was the duty of courts not only to protect people’s rights but also to ensure that they lived with dignity. He thanked the CJ and other judges for their cooperation in adjudication of cases.
The Telangana High Court Advocates’ Association held a farewell to Justice Reddy after the customary farewell.