Former Minister Jupally Krishna Rao made some surprising comments about BJP MLA Eatala Rajender. Rao hinted that Eatala might join the Congress party soon and support him and former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy in their efforts to beat CM KCR in the next assembly elections. Rao also said that other leaders in the state were ready to join them, and they were looking for a political party that could defeat the CM. We’ll find out more about their political future in the first week of June. It seems that Jupally Krishna Rao and Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy will join the Congress party on June 8. Eatala Rajender said that Jupally won’t be joining the BJP.
Jupally Krishna Rao reveals Eatala’s plan to seek Congress’ support to oust CM KCR
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