Justice Rohit Deo, a judge of the Bombay High Court, has announced his resignation due to personal reasons. He made the announcement in his courtroom in Nagpur and expressed that he cannot compromise on his self-respect. As a result, the matters listed before him for the day were discharged. Justice Deo apologized to everyone present in the court and explained that he scolded them because he wanted them to improve. He emphasized that he values them like family but cannot work against his own self-respect.
Speaking to reporters later, Justice Deo confirmed that he resigned for personal reasons and sent his resignation letter to the President of India. In 2022, Justice Deo had acquitted a former Delhi University professor in an alleged Maoist links case. However, the Supreme Court stayed the order and instructed the Nagpur bench of the High Court to hear the case again. Last week, Justice Deo also stayed the operation of a Maharashtra Government Resolution related to the illegal excavation of minor minerals for the Nagpur-Mumbai Samruddhi Expressway construction. Justice Deo had been a judge of the Bombay High Court since June 2017 and was scheduled to retire in December 2025. Prior to that, he served as the Advocate General of Maharashtra in 2016.