Alampur Judicial Magistrate and Taluk Legal Services Authority Chairman, Mithun Teja, visited the TG Venkatesh Government Community Hospital in Alampur on Wednesday. The visit was part of the observance of Human Rights and Disability Day. During his visit, he distributed fruits to the patients and interacted with them to understand the quality of medical services being provided.
Judge Mithun Teja reviewed the hospital records and questioned the hospital superintendent about the availability of medical services. He expressed concern over the absence of female doctors at the facility and instructed the superintendent to ensure their availability. He also asked about the hospital’s procedure for handling emergency cesarean deliveries and the availability of ambulance services for such cases.
The judge emphasized the importance of providing medical services with care and efficiency. He offered suggestions to the hospital staff to improve the quality of healthcare provided to patients.
Accompanying the judge during his visit were Alampur Bar Association President Suresh Kumar, advocates Narayan Reddy, Venkatesh, Venkatramudu, Gajendrar Goud, Lok Adalat staff Sai Teja, and others.