Pawan Kalyan, the leader of Jana Sena Party (JSP), has chosen Mandali Buddha Prasad as the party’s candidate for Avanigadda constituency. Buddha Prasad, who previously served as Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and Minister, recently joined JSP in Pithapuram. In another decision, Pawan replaced Yanamala Bhaskar Rao with Arava Sridhar in the Railway Kodur constituency due to negative feedback about Bhaskar Rao’s candidacy. The candidate for Palakonda constituency will be announced soon.
Buddha Prasad, the son of Congress leader Mandali Venkata Krishna Rao, has been elected three times from Avanigadda – twice as a Congress candidate in 1999 and 2004, and once from TDP in 2014. He is set to compete against current MLA Simhadri Ramesh Babu of YSRCP and Ande Srirama Murthy of Congress, whom he lost to in 2019 by almost 21,000 votes.
In Railway Kodur, Sridhar will be up against current YSRCP MLA Koramutla Sreenivasulu and Congress candidate Gosala Devi. Sreenivasulu had won by around 35,000 votes in the last election against TDP’s P Narasimha Prasad. The upcoming elections are expected to be closely contested in both constituencies.