The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrashekar Rao, has announced that farmers who harvested sorghum (jowar) in the Rabi season will receive significant relief. The State government will buy 100% of the jowar produce by paying the minimum support price (MSP). The Agriculture secretary, M Raghunandan Rao, issued a GO on Friday appointing TS Markfed as the nodal agency to carry out the procurement task. The Markfed will buy 65,499 metric tonnes of jowar harvested during the Rabi 2022-23 season under MSP in the State pool.
The government has also allowed the Markfed to obtain credit of Rs.219.92 crore from nationalised banks, financial institutions, or the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC). The government will guarantee the credit. This decision will benefit jowar farmers in Adilabad, Asifabad, Nirmal, Kamareddy, Medak, Sangareddy, Vikarabad, Narayanpet and Gadwal districts.
Overall, this means that the government will buy all of the jowar that farmers produced at a fair price in these districts. The Markfed will handle the procurement, and the government will guarantee credit for them to do so.