Dr. Hanumandla Rajender Reddy and Jhansi Reddy, who are based in the US, performed a bhumi puja near Gurthoor village under Thorrur mandal. They are aiming to empower local youth and women by constructing the Hanumandla Laxmamma Skill Development Centre. The facility will cover 74 acres and will have a comprehensive focus on empowering individuals and uplifting the community. Palakurthi MLA Yashaswini and her husband Raja Rammohan Reddy also took part in the puja. Other notable attendees included Munugode MLA K Rajagopal Reddy, Mahabubabad MLA Murali Naik, Dornakal MLA Ramachandru Naik, Wardhannapet MLA K R Nagaraju, Aler MLA B Ailaiah, Warangal former mayor Errabelli Swarna, former MP Sircilla Rajaiah, and Jangaon DCC president Kommuri Prathap Reddy.
Jhansi-based NRI to Establish Skill Development Centre in Jangaon
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