India’s External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar met with China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Thursday in Panaji. Jaishankar emphasized the importance of resolving the border dispute in eastern Ladakh and ensuring peace and tranquility along the frontier to improve bilateral ties. The two ministers also discussed issues relating to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, G-20, and BRICS. This is their second meeting in two months, with the first one taking place in March during a G20 foreign ministers’ meeting.
India’s Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also spoke with his Chinese counterpart Li Shangfu last week, stating that China’s violation of existing border agreements has damaged the relationship between the two countries. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari arrived in Goa to attend a conclave of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, marking the first high-level visit to India from Pakistan since 2011. The relationship between India and Pakistan remains strained due to various issues, including Islamabad’s support for cross-border terrorism.