The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrashekar Rao, has announced that the government will allocate 2 acres of land in Uppal Bhagayat for the construction of Jain Bhavan, a facility for the Jain community. The Jain community representatives expressed their gratitude to the Chief Minister and commended him for recognizing their minority rights. They also appreciated his efforts to ensure their representation in the Minority Commission.
The Chief Minister approved the lease of government land to Mahaveer Hospital, a healthcare institution that has been serving the public for decades in Masab Tank, Hyderabad. The land will be provided free of cost. CM KCR reiterated the State government’s commitment to the welfare and progress of religious minorities. He emphasized the government’s goal of fostering peace and harmony among people of different religions and cultures in Telangana.
Jain community leaders praised CM KCR for his effective governance, which has led to the State’s development and exemplary maintenance of law and order. They attributed this progress to CM KCR’s visionary leadership. The State of Telangana has become a model for the country in terms of maintaining law and order, ensuring uninterrupted power supply for industrial sectors, and enhancing infrastructure.
The United Jain Religious Association’s Sri Jain Seva Sangh, including Chairman Ashok Barmecha, President Yogesh Jain, Vice President Vinod Sanchathi, Secretary Zeemura, and Jain Ratna awardees expressed their appreciation during the meeting.