The working president of the BRS party, K Taraka Rama Rao, expressed sadness over the death of Mulugu Zilla Parishad chairman Kusuma Jagadish. He offered condolences to Jagadish’s family and remembered his committed service to the party for over two decades. Jagadish was an active leader in the party and his sudden death has left KTR deeply saddened. The party has assured Jagadish’s family that they will be supported.
Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao also expressed shock and condolences over Jagadish’s untimely death. He remembered Jagadish’s active role in the Telangana movement and his services as the Chairman of Zilla Parishad and Mulugu District party president. The CM prayed for comfort for Jagadish’s family during this difficult time.
This is a great loss for the BRS party family and the district. Jagdish’s family has been assured of support from the party.