Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy has warned the people of Telangana that they should not trust the Congress party or else they will face a situation similar to Karnataka where there are frequent power cuts. The Congress government in Karnataka has failed to provide at least five hours of electricity, causing farmers to suffer and even commit suicide. The situation is not good in other Congress-ruled states and even in BJP-ruled states. In contrast, the Chief Minister of Telangana has ensured that there is no power problem for the farmers, despite the demand for electricity exceeding the estimates. Congress leader K Jana Reddy has made false promises about providing 24-hour power supply and is spreading lies about the current power supply situation. It is important for Congress leaders to address the issues faced by farmers in Karnataka before talking about their manifesto here. Additionally, the BJP does not have suitable candidates for the upcoming elections.
Jagadish Reddy expresses anger over Congress’s potential harm to the State.
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