Hyderabad MLA Nallamothu Bhaskar Rao has responded to the ongoing IT raids taking place in Telangana. He has denied any involvement in the raids on his home or the homes of his friends, stating that the raids are focused on rice mills in the district, which he has no connection to.
Nallamothu Bhaskar, who is running for re-election in the Miryalaguda constituency, continued his campaign in Vemulapalli on Thursday. During his speech, he addressed the false reports being spread by opposition parties, claiming that these reports are an attempt to undermine their chances of winning the upcoming election.
He criticized the opposition for deliberately spreading false information as part of a conspiracy to defeat them. Nallamothu clarified that he does not own any companies or possess a large amount of money. He even challenged anyone to prove otherwise, offering to provide evidence if such claims are substantiated.