Around 300 school children came to the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad to celebrate Independence Day as part of Bandhan 2023. The event was organized by the school’s Net Impact Club and aimed to make a positive difference. The children from participating NGOs performed dance, drama, and music after being trained by ISB students.
The event focused on holistic development and offered various activities like career guidance, theater, AI, and planetarium events. These activities helped the students improve their public speaking skills, confidence, and stay updated with current trends. Visually challenged students also participated and interacted with the ISB community throughout the day.
One of the highlights of Bandhan was a sports session where the children learned about the importance of sports in personal growth and development. Additionally, there was a dance and music workshop that demonstrated how music can be created from anything.
Overall, the event was a heartwarming and inclusive celebration of Independence Day for the school children.